That Damn TV Show Thursday we watched 2 0f the 4 episodes on disc 5. Friday night from 6 until 11:30 we watched the last 2 on #5 and all 4 episodes on disc #6. Last night we watched nearly every tidbit crammed onto disc 7.
Now that we have finished mainlining Season 1, what? They are about halfway through Season 2, should we jump in now and wait until summer to see the first 11 shows to catch up on the back story? Wait until summer and hope they run the repeats in original order? Or wait until September to rent the Season 2 DVDs and watch them forgoing Season 3 until it’s DVDs in September 2007 and so on? Or download the torrents and watch the earlier Season 2 episodes on the PC?
I can’t just join the show mid stream. We did the one season behind thing with the Sopranos, but that was easy because there was no temptation because we didn’t HBO. With Lost on ABC there will be that allure on Wednesday night to check how things are going on the island. I tried to use a couple of Bittorrent clients, but even with my high-speed connection it was going to take more than a day, then what if what you got wasn’t playable?
My vote is to wait. Donna will probably want to start watching episode 12 of season2 this Wednesday. Family crisis in the making. This may be more of a marriage stability test than doing a Time/Speed/Distance Rally in the Miata.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 35
Sally and I have had very good luck with getting Lost through bittorrent. I use Azeurus for all of it, and get the torrents off of and Since we moved to the church, ALL our TV has come via bittorrent, as I’ve not had a chance to get the Dish back up.
Here’s a good starting point:
For an hour show, a decent size will be ~350mb (42 minutes).
I’m not having much luck with the whole bittorrent thing. I’ve tried uTorrent, Bit Torrent and another one I can’t remember the name of. I’ve read where my cheap Linksys consumer router doesn’t play well with p2p software. Having XP sp2 doesn’t help either. I found a patch for windows that will let it open more ports or something, but that appeared to be a waste of time. When I actually click on the download link on the mininova site it just sits there and times out.
Not worth the effort for me, I think we will be waiting for the DVDs in September…