
“Lost” starts in about 20 minutes and I’m going to try and watch it. I’m afraid though that I’m not going to like it, that I really should wait for the DVDs. I think the commercials are going to give me time ponder and…

…Donna said it best last week after she did what I did, went back and read the synopsis of the first 12 episodes of season two, “Reading these makes me wonder why we are even watching this crap.”

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 38

Harbinger Of Spring

For the first time in a week and a half the top on the Miata went down. Today it was in the low 60s, tomorrow the upper 60s and Thursday & Friday will be mid 70s. There was a hint of pine pollen, like yellow fingerprint powder, outlining where our greasy hands were when closing the trunk the past couple of times…

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 36

I’m Sorry

Yesterday I accused Netflix of throttling me because my latest movie was going to take three days to get to me. The movie arrived today and now I realize the delay was my fault. By picking such an obscure movie it had to come from Netflix’s mountain vault in Reno, NV.

I rented “Written in the Wind” at the suggestion of my soon to be retired manager who said he saw it in college. He couldn’t exactly remember what the movie was about, but he thought is was pretty good. What he did remember vividly was the opening sequence where Robert Stark is bombing around the deserted street of a western town in a flashy two seat Allard J2.

It was a little over the top, which apparently all the critics love, but we hated, so we turned it off after about 10 minutes…

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 35

So Long Sawbuck

A couple weeks ago I bought a mouse for the laptop. A touchpad is OK, but if you canget a spot to run a mouse it is much easier all around. I did a bunch of research on the internet, my criteria were small, cordless, USB and have a scroll wheel.

I finally settled on buying a Logitech Cordless Mini Optical Mouse from Logitech must have over estimated the demand for this mouse in blue because they were offering a $10 rebate on that color. I probably would have bought the black or silver, but I could live with mis-matched colors for that ten bucks back.

I ordered the mouse. I printed out the rebate form. I filled out the form. I printed an envelope with the mailto and return addresses on it. I put the stuff right next to the desktop’s monitor awaiting the arrival of the mouse with the last piece of the puzzle, the UPC code.

Last night while tidying up on the compter table I came across the rebate stuff that had been missing from my conciousness since minutes after I placed another piece of paper over it, probably less than 2 days after filling out the form. Trouble is that while the rebate paperwork was out of sight and consequently out of mind, the mouse arrived. So you know what happened. That’s right, the mouse worked, so I tossed the package it came in out into the trash.

Too bad too, because that sawbuck would have covered the cost of the little ear bud headphones I bought tonight so that when I using the laptop in the living room I can listen to internet radio without disturbing Donna’s TV sound…

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 35