I HEART Gmail. And the spammers HEART my Gmail address. Items that are classified as spam get instantly tossed into the spam folder. Like most people, I’m guessing, no matter what spam defense you might have occasionally one sneaks through the net. In Gmail all I have to do is select the offending piece of junk and click on the button marked “Report Spam” and it gets put in the spam folder. The folder is self purging, anything that is in there with a date of 30 older than current gets sent into never-land. This afternoon I reached a new high in my spam folder – 1000.
That’s like 33-1/3 a day. Now that I write that out loud it doesn’t seem that impressive. I get nearly that many credit card offers daily in the snail mail! OK, kidding about that, but my work spam filter catches about 50 a day. Remind me to look in the morning and I’ll let you know how many under 30 day old spam letters I have there.