Regular readers will know that I’m struggling with my fledgling home network. Setting up the Linksys WRT54G wireless router was no snap, but I did manage to get both to wired desktop and wireless laptop to share an internet connection in short order. Sharing files and printers has been another story.
Last night after reading on the forums and thanks to this one post with a nice little checklist, I finally managed to get the 2 PCs to talk to each other. I had most of the items taken care of already, but the thing I did that turned the tide was turn off DHCP and give the two computers there own IP address. After rebooting everything I was in business, woohoo.
One small problem, neither PC could access the internet!
To quote my favorite British Prime Minister:
Margaret Thatcher: “It’s a funny old world.”
When I first got DSL it took weeks before we really got all our computers networked properly. I feel your pain.