
For the reopening of my CafePress store I commissioned a professionally done commercial for airing during the baseball all-star game on Fox July 12th. I had it made in Brazil to take advantage of the lower production costs, but that might have been a mistake. The problem is not the quality, that is fantastic, but I think they misunderstood the product I have for sale. See for yourself, Life of Brian Stuff Commercial (1.8Meg video) and let me know, use it or not.

Either way, please buy my stuff.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 195

Crass Commercialism

I have once again opened up a Cafe Press store to sell merchandise to the gullible. I have made up, just in time for summer, some Camp Mazdamiata T-shirts. There are 3 slightly different designs to choose from and if you want some slight customizations, that can possibly be arranged too. Plus held over are the world famous “Oh Yes Wyoming” t-shirts. Also available is a faux Euro oval sticker that reads “LOB” (Life Of Brian), a rectangular sticker with Sturgeon’s Law on it and a bumper sticker that proclaims “Interstates Suck”.

Please buy my stuff.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 195