Might be time to get one, after a little over two years and less than 32k miles, our current car has developed a major defect. A dash rattle. Just started showing up on cold days at between 2600 & 2800 RPM. God, I hate dash rattles. Most times they are my fault because I had the dash apart to do some mod or another. This time it was self generated because I really haven’t disassembled the interior too much.
I remember the Laguna used to have a couple of dash rattles, one only showed up when the outside temperature was above 85 degrees and then there was another that only made an appearance when it was below 40 degrees. Different sounds for each and in spite of several attempts to find the source they never were quieted down. At least I had relatively quiet springs and falls.
With any lightweight, tightly sprung car you are eventually going to develop these annoying buzzes, creaks or rattles, it is only a matter of time. I was hoping for another year of quiet though.
Wait a minute, I just stuck a new CD in the glove box the other day, could it be that simple? I doubt it.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 376
I think dash rattles must be contagious. I just noticed one myself. Probably because I have been riding around with the top up for the last couple of days. Rain, rain, go away.
I bet my rattle goes away with the rain. Or at least I won’t be able to hear it with the top down.