…until I posted another gallery full of my pictures. Yesterday was Thursday and I added my top 20 photos taken for Theme Thursday. Today is Friday, so today I added my 20 favorite entries for Photo Friday. I now have until Tuesday to get my Phototime Tuesday images up.
…until I scraped my front lip spoiler on a curb. 53 weeks. Today at lunch I pulled in a little too far and heard that awful noise. Fortunately it just scraped the underside and is not noticeable unless you are laying on your belly like a reptile. After a year I guess I just got complacent, plus the angle parking thing didn’t help, I do it so rarely that it was easy to misjudge.
Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 335
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 335
I’m really liking the galleries. Nice to see the collections of your photographs.
Thanks, I’m having fun putting them together. It is interesting to see some of the junk I did post just to say I’d participated. Even more interesting was going through the entry text to get the captions and seeing all the various comments from familiar names of the “past.”