Ignore my last post. West Wing was on tonight at 8:00PM. When I finally got myself comfortable on the couch and surfed my way to NBC the show was just going off.
This sucks on so many levels. One, 8:00PM is too early to wrap up the day. Two, I missed the season premiere. Three, now I don’t feel like watching the show at all any more. Four, how could I have missed the start time?
Sorry to hear of your MT woes. My buddy John is on an MT system I set up for him, and the comment spamming is absolutely horrible. I’ve considered moving him to MT, or just building him a new system altogether (which is waaay too much work).
It was more like failed comment spam, but the kept trying to load the archives with the biggest pages and were really chewing up the bandwidth. I used MTCloseComments (http://thought-mesh.net/MTCloseComments.html) to automatically disallow comments on pages that were not on the main page and after instalation I never had another piece of comment spam.
West Wing was good this week. I think it is probably Ginger’s fav show.
Get a TIVO and watch it at a reasonable time like us crazy people in Alabama.
At the end of the show, I was left wanting more. I think we should save up 3 or 4 episodes and watch them all at one time. Thats what we do with the episodes on Bravo!
Same thing goes for this weeks Battle Star Galactica. I want the next episode now and it won’t be aired til January!
Did you TIVO the WW? Can you burn a CD of it or something…
Yeah, Tivo’s big on letting people share content…
//smarmy SageTV user…
West wing was pretty good, but I have a gut feeling a republican will win this election. If that happens I will have to quit watching. Bad enough we have “W” to contend with. West Wing wednesday (as I used to call it) is the only day I can pretend we have a democrat in office and a balanced budget!