…the bad news is we sing off key!
For my birthday we went to Outback for dinner tonight. Like good people we split an order of babyback ribs and just ordered a second salad instead of ordering two entr?es. Like bad people we ordered coconut shrimp for an appetizer. To make up for that transgression we declined desert. But we got on anyway. On the way in Donna whispered to the hostess that it was my birthday, so a cadre of wait staff came over and serenaded me and handed me a ice cream sundae (with two spoons.) Donna knows that I hate this kind of thing, but I forgive her, at least she didn’t get them to decorate the conference room with black streamers and balloons at work and get the whole front office to give me those horrible over-the-hill gag gifts that take up a section of Spenser Gift stores…
All I want for a present is an FRS victory in tonight’s game against Toronto. They won this afternoon’s make-up for last night’s rain out already, keeping them tied with the Damn Yankees. These two rivals are locked in a tie for first place with seven games to go in the season. This weekend they play three games head to head that will more than likely decide who is going to the playoffs. Doesn’t get any better than this…
As you can see by the bottom of this page I managed to do a little importing, all the previous Mr. Fletcher’s Ride photos are now a part of the new blog. Even with the heroic measures taken, I overran my bandwidth limit and when I got home this afternoon, the web site was locked. I emailed the web host and he promptly upped my limit, so I’m back online. Hopefully next month I will get no where near my alloted 10Gig.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 303
Happy B-day!
Happy birthday! 29 and holding as I always say!