Well, so far this I am 0 for 2 in watching the TV shows I want to watch. First, I missed Sunday’s “West Wing” premiere and last night I missed the “Best of the Beatles” on PBS.
I read the article in the paper a week ago about the show that said it was going to be on 9/28 at 10:00 PM. I made a mental note to watch it. Some one at work who knew I was a Beatles fan handed me a copy of the article in case I missed it. Knowing PBS can be wonky with their scheduling and that I have access on cable to both the SC and GA channels I went to the PBS website to check the times and dates they were going to show the program. Both confirmed the paper’s 10:00PM start on the 28th. As an extra precaution against losing this info out of my sieve-like brain I subscribed to their handy email reminder thing.
Sure enough when I got home from work yesterday there was my reminder email. At about 10 minutes ’til ten I shut off the FRS radio broadcast (mercifully I might add, as they were losing 7 – 2 to the Blue Jays) and made my way into the living room. Flipped over to the clearer of the two PBS channels and waited. They were running a thing about Pop Music as it related to the protest movement and it was fairly entertaining. At 10 o’clock I waited for it to end, but it didn’t. Huh? Checked the other station and they were both in lock step showing the same show. I watched for about 15 minutes thinking maybe they were running late or something, but the protest music kept right on coming.
Plodded back to the PC and checked the PBS website and lo and behold the Beatles show ran from 8 to 9:00PM. Shit! Opened the reminder email back up and it said the show started at 8. I guess I should have read it more carefully…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 305
And then they ask for donations from loyal viewers! Have you noticed they usually only show the REALLY good stuff when they want money? The Best of the Beatles was OK. It was all about Pete Best. In all that I have read and even after watching this show I am still puzzeled over why he was let go. I think George Martin must have not liked him and had Ringo already in mind.
I can always set the VCR for 3:00am on October 4th for another shot at it. Your theory is almost correct. It is not that George Martin didn’t like Pete, he needed to get Ringo in the group because Mr. Richard Starkey is an employee of MI-5 and he was planted to keep tabs on the the other three’s communist activities in Germany. Ok, I admit it, I just made that up. 🙂
Had me going there for a minute!