Gravatar Failure
Tried this evening to get the gravatars back. It worked fine in MT, but I couldn’t get the WordPress plugin to work right for me. I tried several different parameters for the plugin, but it wouldn’t work consistently, so I pulled it from the comments area.
They have this rating system so that some people can use more provocative images if they want and bloggers can choose not to show them. First I left any rating out of the plugin and it would show one person’s image but not another’s. So I cut and pasted the example into my template with it’s “R” parameter and the gravatars shown would change. Then I plugged in “X” and different ones would show. Keep in mind that everyone of the gravatars used by my comment posters are innocuous at best. Making matters worse was when I tried jockeying the size while keeping the rating the same, different ones would show than with just the rating. One combination caused no gravatars to show. At one point I would get a brief wink of the image before the square would turn black…
Sorry commenters, but you will just have to live with seeing your name there.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 305