That is actually a bit premature, but who knows. A friend who used to work at ASCO called yesterday to let me know they have a drafting position opening up at his new work place. I emailed a PDF of the resume to head engineering guy and he wrote back with a brief description of the duties. Next step if I’m interested is to set up a phone screening.
While I don’t really hate my current job, after doing the same thing for the last 16 years it is becoming a little boring. I enjoy the people I work with (all except for my asshat of a direct supervisor), but I’m sure there will be nice folks at the new spot. It is only 5 miles further down the road from ASCO, so Donna and I would still commute together. My current job is in manufacturing and right now in the good ol’ USA that is not the most stable sector to be in. Of course the new place is manufacturing too, but in drugs instead of valves. The benefits are slightly better, matching 401k, start with 4 weeks vacation (I won’t reach that plateau for another couple years at ASCO) more holidays and a couple planned week long shutdowns. Toss out 18 years with one company only to start over at another?
Talking never hurt. Who knows, maybe they won’t even want to pay as much as I’m earning now, making it an easy decision. Of course they may not like me….nah, never happen.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 255
I am guessing you don’t think your boss ever happens across your blog. Sign me up for the four weeks of vacation.
To quote Cheryl Crow (I can’t believe I’m quoting her) “THE CHANGE WILL DO YOU GOOD”