My favorite Mazda dealer and sponsor of our local Miata Club is no more. It was part of Rader Mazda/Mercedes Benz, but the owners sold the dealership and the new owner wanted just the MB portion, so he sold off the Mazda franchise to the person who owned the other local Mazda dealership. Here is the first article from a couple weeks ago: Dealership owner will purchase lot. (If you are asked to register, username: augustabob, password: godawgs)
Today’s paper had a follow up: Dreams become reality for store’s new owner. My favorite quote from the piece, “Other plans include strengthening the dealership’s service department, which he says ‘was the weakest part’ of the operation.”
If you are a regular reader here you know of my experience with the service department and all I can say is, “Amen brother.” If you are not a regular, try this or this or this for a couple examples.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 211
I don’t know who is worse, Dr’s or mechanics. They both charge about the same and some Dr’s can even do a “valve replacement”! My mechanic thinks he’s a CARdiologist juding by the prices he charges, AND THEY ARE THE WORST about returning calls.