Ever since I had to have a lug replaced I have had a chinging sound coming from that wheel. It is not a very loud sound and is high pitched. It occurs every time I hit a bump or rough spot of road and also when making 90 degree corners. Sounds kinda like brake chirping, but it does not seem brake related, i.e. it is present whether braking or not.
I pulled off the wheel, caliper and caliper mounting bracket over the weekend to see if the new lug was hitting the backing plate and it looked like there was plenty of room.
Could it be in the wheel that was rotated there? Unlikely. A family of small bats has nested in my wheel well? Highly unlikely. Is it something they did when replacing the lug? Likely.
I have borrowed a rubber mallet and plan on jacking up the car this weekend and pounding away while systematically removing car bits until the noise stops. Hopefully once the noise has stopped, the last item removed won’t be too important…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 143