On today’s trip to the airport to retrieve Donna’s aunt I stopped into the book/magazine store and browsed around. I checked out all the car magazines, but I had seen most of them and the others I will see thanks to friendly co-workers. But there on the bottom shelf was was one called MPH, I hadn’t ever seen it before. Intrigued, I picked it up, that there was a photo of the new Miata didn’t hurt. I read the table of contents and bought it. On page 36 is an article called GPS Explained and they had this tag line to entice you to read it: How does it know where you are when you have no clue? They seem to be shooting for all irreverent humor, all the time. Maybe you kids love that, but I find a little goes along way. Not that I’m offended by some of the non-PC humor, I like it, but I think it might wear thin over time. When Maxim magazine first came out I subscribed and looked forward to every issue for the first nine months, then not so much. I let my subscription lapse.
Speaking of subscriptions, my copy of the magazine had 6 blow-ins begging you to subscribe to MPH. 10 issues, each only $10.00* Right below that they tell you it is $9.97* for a 10 issue year. So they rounded a little. There’s that asterisk again. If you look to the bottom of the card and the other asterisk you find that it says *Plus $2 shipping and handling. That’s sneaky. I think that is the first time I’ve seen them add a S&H charge to a magazine subscription (at least for US residents for US magazines.)
Check out a sample of their style at www.mphmagazineonline.com, might be right up your alley.