I got so worked up yesterday about getting the sort of late flyer from Mazda that I forgot to blog about the car washing. On Friday I washed the car, vacuumed the inside (even trimmed some of the stray fibers on the coco mats) and washed the windows. I had good intentions about waxing the car today, but the promised afternoon rain arrived in the morning canceling that endeavor. I know better than to attempt to wax the car inside, there just isn’t enough light to do a good job.
This evening, after the line of storms had long passed we went out to eat with some friends. I was pretty sure it was safe, but a passing stray shower left enough behind to leave tiny little water spots all over the horizontal surfaces of the car. So, maybe tomorrow, I can find a couple hours of afternoon to spot clean (pun intended) and then wax the car.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 136