The Miata is staying overnight at the recovery room/body shop. The instructions say: The vehicle may not be driven in the first 12 hours to the gluing. (wash road at the earliest after 48 hours). And at first, I interpreted that to mean don’t drive it for 12 hours and don’t wash it for 48 hours, but I think they really mean, don’t drive it at all for 12 hours and don’t drive on rough roads for 48 hours. They were supposed to silicone on the spoiler this afternoon and I tried to call and find out the progress, but Liza was apparently too busy to call back, so I’m not sure if they did it or not. I’ll find out tomorrow morning and see if they did get it on. If they don’t glue it on until tomorrow, I might not be able to pick it before Friday as the silicone needs to set. Donna’s mom needs her car back for Friday to go to dialysis, but I guess at worse case I might have to duck out in the AM and drive her.
Comet Incubation Period: 12 days