Next Sunday is the Rspeed Open House and some of us in the Club will be making the trip over to Marietta for the party. I’ve got a spoiler sitting in the garage that would be nice to have on the car before going. According to the FedEx site my new tires will be delivered tomorrow and it is imperative that I get them installed before the trip.
The tires will get done for sure, I’m just trying to figure out how to work in leaving the Miata overnight at the paint place in between the normal shuffling of the week (Donna’s Mom’s Mon-Wed-Fri afternoon dialysis and Donna’s Mon-Wed evening Pilate’s classes) and the extra this week only specials (5 days of all morning training for me, an afternoon Dr.’s appointment for me and the Miata Club meeting Thurs night.)
Last word on the clutch shudder issue (unless of course it returns): The transmission is not in the exact same spot or orientation as when it went in. We are talking millimeters I’m sure, but while taking the 30 mile long way to the 3 mile away store this morning the 2 to 3 shift seems a bit long. But the real telling point is when shifting from 3 to 4 straight back, twice I bumped into the neutral area instead of right into 4th. As I said, it is very minor and I’ll adjust, of course it could have been just me…
Comet Incubation Period: 9 days