Been thinking about getting a front spoiler to make the front a little more aggressive looking and a touch lower to the ground. I don’t care for either Mazda offering as they look way too tacked on for my tastes. Really looking for one that looks like the one Mazda used on the 99-00 models. I always keep an eye on the interior/exterior section of the miataforum for leads. about a week ago some posted about a spoiler he saw on a Swiss web site and wondered if any one could get it for him. When I went to the link, there it was, what I have been looking for, the ATH Hinsberger Comet.
I wrote to the contact email and asked if they shipped to the US. The answer came back no, but I should try the spoiler company’s US distributor. I emailed them and heard nothing back for 3 days. An inauspicious start to our business relationship. I did a little searching on the company and found a forum that they sponsor, it is for Tiburons, but from what I read not too many people are pleased with them. More research was required. Went to the spoiler manufacturer’s web site and found they have a distributor in Canada and Scotland that I thought I’d give a try. The Canadian’s replied to my email in a matter of minutes (more like it.) They do ship to the US, but the price was about $50 higher than the relaxed and dodgey Californian. They also mentioned that this was a new product that they don’t stock so the lead-time could be as much as 2 months. None of this was mentioned by the CA company. I wrote back to both with some more questions and I’m waiting…
The Scottish fellow replied to my original request and he said, “ATH Hinsberger has a distributor in USA and asks that we respect the distributor territories.” Which may be correct, but seeing as Mr. Canada said OK, I figure this was a polite brush off and that he didn’t want the hassle of overseas shipping (and something that can be a pain in the a$$.)
The Canadian has already replied to my further questions, so you can guess where I will be spending my money. If I pull the trigger. With painting this little mod will be in the middle 400 dollar range. This is not chump change for me and sounds like a major investment for something that will occasionally be scraped on parking lot dividers. The Mazda unit I put on the old blue car was like a hundred and a quarter. Stay tuned.