This morning I got another couple of comment spams, one for here at the Rant and one for the Diaries. I immediately deleted them and rebuilt both weblogs. I haven’t been getting too many spam comments, but these were the ones that broke the camel’s back. Tonight I installed MT-Blacklist, a Movable Type plugin billed to eradicate comment and trackback spam. There are two paths for installation, The Ridiculously Easy Path and The Less Easy Path, I of course had to take the less easy path because my webhost didn’t have a particular pearl module installed. The less easy became The Kinda Hard Path as I couldn’t seem to get the path I had to change in the file right. On what was to be my last stab at the path, it worked. wOOt.
So bring it on, Mr. Purveyor of Porn, Ms. Dealer of Discount Drugs, Mr. Make My Male Member Massive, I’m ready.
Clicking the link right now… I keep gettin them dern things.