I think if I can get a good deal on an ’03 I may just upgrade the Miata. There is a $2750 rebate offer or zero percent financing available until next Monday 12/1. I think I’d like a new car and have even decided to be a big boy about having to have a blue car and if I want a Miata it just ain’t going to be blue. I spent this afternoon taking some of the stuff off my car that I want to keep and returning it to as close to stock as I can. I put back the OEM switches for the barndoors and hazards. I pulled out the toggle switches in the console too. (I have to fabricate an aluminum plate at work tomorrow to cover the holes.) Even if this new car thing doesn’t work out it was time for a change anyway.
Purchased Today: $0
Money spent since 03/03/03: $2641.54
Started down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/03: 283