Earlier in the week I signed up on the website for them to send me a Mini brochure. It arrived in the mail today. I am beginning to think these guys are too cute. The brochure was about the Mini, but it was also a mini brochure. It measured 3-1/2″ by 3-1/2″. When unfolded, its 10 panels measured over 3′ long.
I also have been checking out the Miata.net equivalent for the car, Mini2.com. They even have an active forum for sharing the love with other Mini nuts.
After a bit of reading in the forum it seems that the path to Mini ownership is fraught with obstacles. A lot of the same things transpired when the Miata came out in 1989. Things settled down for the Miata in a year or so, but the Mini has been for sale since February 2001 and the car is still not that readily available.