Found another blogger that is running a CD swap. Ever since the demise of Crabwalk’s CD Mix of the Month earlier this year I have been jonesin’ for a free music swap, but am to lazy to actually run one (besides the list of regular readers here is too small.) I *have* swapped a couple discs with one semi-regular, Sinclair of Hello Mr. Mackenzie fame since then.
This one is not monthly, best I can tell this is the second in a sporadic series, but I have signed up to play Burn-It. If you want in, better hurry, sign-ups end Tuesday.
Purchased Today: Zero
Money spent since 03/03/03: $859.63
Started down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/03: 143
hmmm…. he doesn’t take people outside US or Canada. O you have a surprise in the post to you, I forgot to tell you last week. It’s something to do with a porcupine.