Back earlier this year I signed up for a CD Mix of the Month Club . Cool idea. This guy in Texas creates a mix CD and mails it to you once you have mailed him one. As a bonus, if you mailed 2 CDs he would sent you his and one from somebody else who sent two. All it cost me was some time, a couple of blank CDRs and $2 to mail them off. Well poor Josh on the other end had a few more bucks wrapped up into this as he was mailing out a couple dozen, then 50, then 100 and now the last 2 months nearly 400 CDs. Yikes, that’s a lot of postage! Well today, I got in my email, a note from Josh that if you want to continue to play along in the CD MotM Club you will have to kick in 3 or 4 dollars. I think this may be the end of my ride. I just have this thing for somebody offering me something for free and then latter charging for it. Its a principle thing. You have to stop agreeing to give it away, once you have reached the point where you are no longer comfortable with the total monetary outgo. If you don’t mind spending $100 a month and it costs $1 per, don’t sign up 200 people and then go gee, I’d better charge money to make up the shortfall. Stop at 100.