Top up during work. When we left work, the skies were really ugly so I suggested leaving it up. My wife then called me a wimp, so I was left with little choice but to put it down. For a second it looked like I was right, but the sprinkles only lasted about 50 yards. She was right and we both enjoyed the drive home more for it.
Made a stop at Mail Boxes, Etc. to make copies of the Aiken Bicycle Club newsletter for mailing out. There is a slightly older woman who works there with a green/tan 2001 Miata. I’ve given her a Master’s Miata Club newsletter a couple of times but she seems reluctant to come out. But today for the first time she noticed the Alley Gator teeth on the front of my car. She thought they were cool and asked me where I got them. I gave her the web address for Auto Expressions, the place I got them and told her if she needed help installing them just call me, I’d be glad to help. We’ll see what happens.
Started down, went up, went down, still down.
Top Transitions sine 02/02/02: 153