This is a rant on them as well as myself. I tooted my own horn yesterday about how I learned my The T-Shirt Shoppe lesson, well I hope I have learned my lesson. I went to them to produce the Barndoor Fan Club sticker a few month’s back for the price. Their quote was 15% less than my ol’ faithful in town. I went with it. It took like a week and a half of emails correcting proofs until I thought we had it right. When I got the stickers the logo was smaller than the proof and it was slightly off center. I called and complained and it turns out the designer forgot to mention that an 1/8″ of unprintable are was required all around. The off center was slight and I was told “it was within acceptable industry standards.” They knocked a 1/3 off the price, so I kept them. It took over 2 weeks of email to get the right proof this time and I even sent them the Adobe Illustrator file of the logo! We’ll see what happens when I get them.