Nearly normal today, I guess the BP medicine is doing it’s job. I even had some moments where I felt quasi-normal this afternoon. The PA called this evening with the results of my CAT scan. There were no traces of kitties – she said there were no abnormalities! OK, so why did my BP go sky high? Blood work fine, which eliminated liver or kidney problems. CAT fine, no tumors or weird internal things. I have a stress/echo test scheduled for the 18th (soonest I could get in) to see if my ticker is malfunctioning. If that is clean, that only leaves like one thing, my head. No new stress inducers have been applied. So is it 46.5 years of aggravations have building up to a meltdown? I would have thought that ranting here would be taking care of that. Or male menopause? Or a gene that mutated?