So busy writing about all that other stuff I did to the car yesterday that I forgot the real first thing I did. In Friday’s installment, I mentioned a ticking noise emanating from the heater/AC fan. I knew it was from behind the glovebox somewhere, so the first thing I did was take out the box. As it turned out I didn’t need to, no big deal, it is only two screws… Unhooking 3 wiring harnesses and removing 3 screws is all it took to drop the fan from its housing. Lo and behold inside near the squirrel cage was a dried out oak pollen cluster. It had taken about 11 months to work its way from up near the windshield and the fresh air intake down to the fan motor. While I had the fan out I looked inside where it came out of and sure enough there was one more pollen thing waiting to take the others place as soon as I buttoned everything back up. No more noise. 🙂
Drove over to Evans, Ga to check the Miata Club mailbox. The Weather said the temp was 57 so we left the house with the top down to enjoy the ride. Problem was the sun was covered by the clouds and there was some lingering fog around. After about 10 minutes we put up the windows, in 10 more we turned on the heater and after 10 more we put up the top, just too cold feeling. After stopping and checking the mail and then driving a bit further to make a donation into our retirement fund (Lotto South and Big Game tickets) we stopped at the North Augusta Greenway and took a mile or so walk. After walking we were warm enough to put the top back down for the last 1/2 hour of the trip.
Started down, up, now down.
Top Transitions since 02/01/02: 8
wtf is this