Started with it down, way too warm for January, but upon arrival at work I removed the boot and put the top up. 20% chance of rain and zero chance of a wet interior.
Today was lunch date day, so I dropped the top for the ride to the restaurant de la semaine, McDonald’s. I had a Big Mac while Donna had the Big & Tasty. For something scary, check the nutritional info on these sandwiches. :-O I can recite the ingredients of a Big Mac from heart. For the record, they are: 2 all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. McDonald’s used to run commercials that featured the ingredients when Big Macs first came out and that has stuck in my head ever since. Sometime in the mid 70’s they ran a contest about reciting the ingredients backwards. I am proud to say that I mastered that trick as well. I am also proud to say that I can no longer do it, I only hope the memory space given up by forgetting that tidbit is in use for something a little more important.
Started down, went up, now down.
die die die pig die, oh and pm Soma_7
i’m bored, and doing science fair