Send us your photos of Miatas in a Not Ready For Prime Time
setting and we'll put it

Our friend Cienega32 looks like he could use some
support. He seriously needs to consider getting a bra.

Thanks to Bill for submitting this. There are lots
more interesting pictures where this came from at
Gas Pump Classics Picture of the Day.

Hello, Triple A? My car won't start and I left
the instructions in the pocket of my shorts.
Heeey! You said my surprise gift was in the
back seat of your car.

Here is the un-edited version of the Christmas wallpaper
in the Fun Gallery from Simon.
(click on the image for a 1024 x 768 version)

Mazdafan contributes a series of shots showing the pitfalls of short skirts and short cars.
(click on the image for a larger version)

Bruce submitted this for the phall photo contest, but I
thought it looked too summery.